I'm going to try somewhat of a new feature. A news feed of sorts. I am new to blogging and thus figuring out a working formula to share information effectively has proven quite the challenge. Truthfully, I am terrible at organizing things. I am constantly renaming files, folders, and completely re-organizing directories to manage all the image and documents I generate each day.
I began a new job last week and have been in somewhat of a transitional state for the past few weeks which is directly related to my relatively sparse posts. I have a few main desires for content on this blog. Organizing them within the free Blogger format has been the challenge. I haven't had much time to look but I will this weekend. Originally, I began the blog in hopes of doing some lens reviews, or at least posts of compiled info from across the web (this you have seen much of if you have been following along). The other purpose for the blog was to obviously publish/post images both as samples of lenses for demonstration but also as a creative outlet for my personal work. I have done less of the latter, partly because I am not so sure how to organize them just yet. I could have two blogs but that's a little too much for me right now. I would much rather have two streams or feeds, like pages but with continual post updates on both. Any suggestions are welcome!
So I will at least begin to update a bit more frequently even if I don't have a new lens to showcase because I am always shooting. I do general info updates and additions to posts as well which I would like to highlight so people can check out the new content. One issue with creating news posts is that I would like the images to remain viewable for the duration of the blog, but since the content will no longer be "new" after a few days, I would just assume delete that text. I think for now, I will keep a post at the top of the blog with updates and just leave images with captions as newer posts arrive. So, on to the news!
Blog News
String-addicted Beasts

Tamron SP 400mm f/4 Adaptall 65B Returned from KEH Repair!

She has returned, and she brought friends! Despite a few bumps a long the way, I finally have the Tamron 400mm in beautiful, operational order. KEH was a pretty good repair service but it didn't exactly go off without a hitch (more on that later). I did manage to find the Tamron 1.4x (140f) and 2x (01f) converters for very little money in great condition so I picked those up to try. I still have my eyes peeled for a 2x (200f) version (optically superior to the 01f). I even threw this whole rig onto the GF1 for a 1600mm equivalent. While I was out playing I was accidentally asked The Girl, "hey, what's on that log?", while looking at something obscure in the viewfinder of the GF1. She said, "What are you talking about?" Then I looked up and realized, whatever it was, it wasn't visible to an unaided eye, haha! So this is pretty cool! So far results are awesome. f/4 is a bit soft to be expected and has CA but this lens doesn't cost $5000 either!
Tokina 90mm f/2.5 AT-X
Couple things with this. I managed to pick up the Tokina macro extender (NAI mount!) and it also comes with the original AT-X Leather case and extender compartment! I'm a junkie when it comes to original accessories. Also, eBay user Malak sent me a couple images of the boxes of the Tokina 90mm and extender and I have promptly posted images. The feature slick cut-away technical drawings. Thanks to Malak!
See them HERE.
eBay Watch
A couple great items to note here:
Ends : June 21st, 2010
Malak's Pentax KA-mount Tokina 90mm f/2.5 AT-X - Rarer mount you wont find very often. I have seen Tokina 90mm of equal condition go for over $500. I have also heard of people picking them up at local garage sales for <$15 (and I am overcome with jealousy). It's an amazing lens so however you choose to get one, you won't be disappointed.
End: July 17th, 2010
Tamron SP 400mm f/4 ED-IF Adaptall 65B - I have only seen 5 of these for sale so far this year so its something of a rarer lens. It's a wonderful piece of glass. Now that I have mine in working order, I use it all the time! I think this price is a bit high, if you're interested, you should make an offer. One eBayer got an excellent deal on one of these in great condition with the bag, 1.4x and 2x TCs, boxes, and a couple other OEM accessories for $899 BIN two weeks back or so.
+ + +
That's all for now!
I'm not sure which is cooler. The bridge or the kitty. Maybe I could combine them for a kitty-bridge monster or something.